10 Reasons to Choose intelli-CTi™

10 reasons to choose intelli-CTi article

If you’re unhappy with your current customer-facing team workflow or if you are looking to make work easier for your customer service agents and salespeople, a Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) solution like intelli-CTi may be the answer.

Here are the 10 top reasons why customers choose intelli-CTi to boost their business performance with a telephony CTi solution f:

1. You can make more efficient and productive phone calls

The beauty of intelli-CTi™ is that sales and customer service staff never need to click around different screens in CRM to perform housekeeping and sales workflow tasks when talking to customers on the phone.  With intelli-CTi™ your sales and support staff can shave time off their in call and post call wrap up processes without sacrificing customer service or data quality.

2. Your new solution won’t feel like a hassle to use

Because intelli-CTi creates a seamless connection between phone calls and CRM, it will hardly feel like you are using a separate system at all.  When CRM is open, intelli-CTi™ appears as a slim and unobtrusive side bar until a call is made or received, at which stage the product pops out to allow you to use it.  The best way to get an idea of how this telephony CTI works in practice is to take a free 30 day trial of the product, where you can see how unnoticeable and easy to use this product can be.

3. Built in note-taking will reduce the number of data errors in your CRM

We say all the time that data is the lifeblood of CRM and if your data is unhealthy then your CRM is unhealthy.  With in-call note taking capabilities, your staff can ditch their paper notes and the lengthy process of transferring handwritten notes into CRM.  This has the dual benefit of making their calls more efficient and reducing the number of errors that can creep in when they rely on writing and re-entering notes in the call wrap up process.

4. Your customer service will improve

When people think of great customer service, they usually think of what the agent or salesperson is doing, not what the phone technology is doing.  intelli-CTi helps customer facing staff perform at their best to help customers.  With intelli-CTi, your agents can give customers their full attention during the call rather than be distracted by clicking around in the CRM and entering data.  Give customers your full attention without sacrificing the note-taking allows you to better serve customers on future calls down the road.

5. Your customers will feel closer to your company

Following on from point 4 about providing great customer service, building great customer relationships can be a completely different issue.  If you need to speak to customer service, do you feel close to the rep who needs to ask you about every detail of your business relationship with the company?  Would you feel like the company actually cares about you and your business on a personal level?  The combination of CRM and a telephony CTI solution, like intelli-CTi gives customers a seamless experience where users don’t need to ask for information they already have and customers don’t have to provide it.

6. You’ll have access to metrics that improve call performance

Call statistics are an important metric for customer facing staff.  In order to improve call performance, staff and managers must first know what these statistics are.  With the call statistics intelli-CTi enters into CRM, staff at all levels can monitor performance using dashboards and charts.  Some common metrics include average call duration, call time spent per opportunity and calls per team member.  These statistics will help your business identify opportunities for improving workflow and, in the case of sales, growing your pipeline.

7. You can make the most of your current investment in your telephone system and CRM

Encourage user adoption of CRM by integrating with intelli-CTi

Once you have a CRM system, there can be a pressure internally to make sure that investment pays off and that the system is fully utilised.

While CRM is great for recording and managing customer relationships and interactions, intelli-CTi simplifies the process of inputting notes and searching and creating records whilst interacting with a customer.  Combining CRM and CTI creates a better customer and user experience, which can result in increasing the user adoption of CRM itself.

8. You’re getting a product with a wide range of integration / compatibility

If the thought of bringing a new program into the technological mix at your company makes you break out in a cold sweat, you’ll appreciate how well intelli-CTi gets along with other systems.  Whether you’re just looking for support of one of the standard telephone interfaces (TAPI, TSAPI, CSTA, MiTAl and OAI) or one of the telephone switch-based features like Integrated Voice Response (IVR), Direct Dialling or DTMF routing, intelli-CTi has a wide range of support for existing systems.

(And if any of those acronyms or features leaves you scratching your head, check out our Glossary of CTI Terms).

9. Hassle free deployment and installation

Once you decide to bring intelli-CTi on board, and you’re comfortable that it’s compatible with your existing systems, you’re finally ready for installing and deploying your new tool.  intelli-CTi has a simple installation and configuration process with reduced development costs and a quick deployment.  With an out of the box solution like intelli-CTi, you can have your project done and dusted in less than a month.  When Home Learning College implemented intelli-CTi, the work took just four weeks from trial, testing, acceptance and installation to roll out and going live.

10. The available free trial lets you see the product in action BEFORE you buy

Sometimes the best way to know if a product is right for your team is to test it in the context of your business.  By taking a 30 day free trial of intelli-CTi, you can ensure that the telephony CTI application works with your current infrastructure, get feedback from your users regarding functionality and ease of use and have solid proof that the product not only does what we say it will, but also meets your company’s needs.

Contact us to get your 30 day free trial or visit our intelli-CTi product pages here.

Related Resources:

See the intelli-CTi Help Center User Guidelines for important considerations of use.