Summary: | Information/support article covering upcoming changes to our Chrome integration extension. |
Article Type: | Information/Troubleshooting |
Related Product(s): | This article relates to the following products:
What’s happening?
Google recently made changes to their Web Store, which means we can no longer manage separate versions of our Chrome integration extensions. We now have to consolidate all our Breeze/intelli-CTi Chrome integration functionality into a single extension.
This will also result in the name and icon changing to the Breeze Integration Extension.
How does that affect me?
Newer versions of our Chrome extension require slightly different permissions in order to function. Therefore, it is possible that when we upgrade our existing Chrome extension to the latest version, Chrome may prompt users to re-enable our extension before it can function correctly.
If our extension remains disabled, then intelli-CTi functionality such as Screen-pop/Navigate to records and CRM Dialler may not function correctly.
What’s the solution?
Please ensure users are aware to look for (and confirm) any prompts to re-enable our Breeze Integration extension in Chrome.
If you have any further questions, please contact us or your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Business Partner/Reseller for more information.
Further Information: |