intelli-CTi CRM Relationship Management

How intelli-CTi interacts with your CRM system

Telephone Call CRM RelationshipsBy the very nature of CRM, the importance of relationship management is at the heart of your customer interactions. Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides many key aspects and features in support of customer interaction, with the key being to harness these aspects through relationships to leverage the true power and success of good Customer Relationship Management.

intelli-CTi CRM Relationship Management

During the lifecycle of a telephone call and our use of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we can touch upon many aspects of CRM during telephone interaction with our customers. A telephone call can often relate to many entities within your CRM solution, such as CRM Accounts, Contacts and/or Leads; together with possible relationships to CRM Activities, History, Opportunities and/or Cases.
intelli-CTi for Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides extensive support to manage these important complex CRM relationships across the multitude of CRM entities that may relate to a telephone call. Ensuring that each call related CRM entity, and their relationships to each other are duly linked and recorded within the CRM system. Thus providing a complete 360º historic account within CRM of all telephony activity with all related CRM entities.


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Further Information:

See the intelli-CTi Help Center User Guidelines for important considerations of use.